How to pack your airsoft backpack

Airsoft requires not only tactical preparedness, but also the right equipment. Packing your backpack efficiently is important whether you are participating in a one-day skirmish or a multi-day milsim. In this article, we'll look at how to properly pack your backpack for both types of airsoft events. And if you don't know which backpack to choose, read this blog article: How to Choose an Airsoft Backpack

A) One day airsoft event

For short-term events, it is important to have quick access to essentials to keep the overall weight of the pack low.

So what to pack and what is important?

Hydration: water bottle or hydration system.


Protective gear: Goggles, mask and other personal protective equipment.

Spare BBs and gas: To replenish ammo.

First Aid: Basic first aid kit for minor injuries.

How to pack?

Place heavy items (such as spare batteries or gas cartridges) in the centre of the pack close to the body.

Place items for quick access (such as first aid, food, water) in the outer pockets.

B) Multi-day airsoft event

For a longer mission you need to prepare for different situations and weather. Weight is still important, but you also have to consider comfort and versatility.

So what to pack and what is important?

The sleeping system: A sleeping bag and a mattress for rest.

Change of clothes: Including a warm layer, thermal underwear (article How to choose thermal underwear for airsoft) and a waterproof jacket.

Cooking: a compact camping stove and simple foods.

Orientation and communication: map, compass, GPS or radio.

Tools: Multitool, such as a Leatherman, for repairs and adjustments in the field.

How to pack?

Place heavier gear (such as sleeping gear and food) in the bottom and middle of the pack.

Frequently used items (such as tools, water and first aid) should be easily accessible in the top pockets or outer compartments of the pack.


When packing a backpack for an airsoft event, always consider the length and type of event, the terrain, the weather and your personal needs. A properly packed backpack can mean the difference between a comfortable experience and a frustrating day.

Airsoft backpacks in our range:




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