
The AK-47 assault rifle, often referred to as the "Kalashnikov", is an iconic symbol of firepower. Designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, this legendary assault rifle emerged from the bitter conflicts of the mid-20th century and stands out for its unmatched reliability, durability, simplicity and adaptability. The AK-47, with its distinctive curved magazine and distinctive silhouette, has left an indelible mark on modern warfare and, thanks to its design and versatility, is likely to be with us forever.

Although almost everyone in the world knows the term AK-47, it is much more common these days to see either the AKM (M for modernized) or the AK-74 model. The AK family has also grown to include a more powerful brother, the RPK, a machine gun that works on the AKM principle.

In pop culture, the AK-47 is seen virtually nonstop, with gangsters carrying it in games, rappers waving it in music videos, young people tattooing it, and it's even on the flag of Mozambique. It's not often seen on airsoft fields, because compared to more modern models it lacks compatibility and the possibility of using accessories.