Active Brake

Active Brake, also known as active motor braking, is a feature in electric airsoft guns (AEG) that stops the motor immediately after releasing the trigger. Unlike a standard MOSFET, which only controls the current to the motor, the active brake applies reverse current to stop the motor and position the piston correctly. This prevents unwanted over-rotation of mechanical parts after a shot and ensures more precise and consistent shooting.

Advantages of Active Brake over Standard MOSFET:

  • More accurate semi-auto shooting: The active brake stops the motor immediately after a shot, ensuring that only one shot is fired with each trigger pull.
  • Reduces wear on internal parts: Stopping the motor after each shot prevents piston over-rotation and unnecessary strain on the gears, extending the life of internal components.
  • Consistent shooting: The immediate stopping of the motor ensures stable and consistent firing, especially beneficial for players who prefer semi-auto mode.
  • Ideal for higher rate of fire (RoF): The active brake helps in high RoF shooting where over-rotation and accidental shots may occur without it.

Difference from MOSFET:
While the MOSFET improves current transmission efficiency and protects the trigger contacts, the active brake adds another level of control over motor operation by stopping it at the right moment. The MOSFET alone does not ensure that the motor and piston stop immediately after the trigger is released, which can lead to less accuracy in semi-auto mode.

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