
AN/PRC-148 and AN/PRC-152 are designations for military portable radios used in military and tactical operations. These are communication systems that enable soldiers and military units to communicate with each other on different levels (frequencies). These radios are a crucial element of military equipment, allowing military units to maintain communication in terrains and conditions where traditional mobile or fixed infrastructure may not be available.

Both models are designed for military use and provide a wide range of features, including encrypted communication, different frequency bands. The stations have a robust construction for the most demanding use and rugged handling in combat.

Replicas of these stations are also used in airsoft to complement gear; you can purchase a functional replica from Baofeng AR-152 or just empty cases to accommodate smaller PCR stations or transceivers.
Replicas often have classic transceiver connectors like Kenwood, etc.

There are also more expensive replicas on the market that provide almost all the original features, such as TAC-SKY and similar, which have a military 6-pin connector.

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