Beacon (česky „maják“) je malé, kompaktní zařízení, které se používá k signalizaci a identifikaci polohy nositele během vojenských operací.
Beacony jsou často připevněny na helmy, výstroj nebo vozidla a slouží k zajištění viditelnosti v různých podmínkách včetně noci, špatného počasí nebo při operacích pod vodou.
Functions of a beacon:
1. Signaling: Emits visible or infrared (IR) light, allowing identification of friendly forces (IFF - Identification Friend or Foe).
2. Navigation: Helps in navigation and coordination of teams in the field.
3. Safety: Increases safety by ensuring soldiers can locate and track each other’s positions.
Well-known beacon models:
1. MS2000(M) Military Strobe Light: One of the most widely used models. Offers visible and IR light modes and is waterproof.
2. HEL-STAR 6 Gen III: Combines visible and IR light modes, is lightweight and compact with long battery life.
3. S&S Precision Manta Strobe: A small, lightweight beacon designed for helmet attachment, offering various flashing modes and light colors.
4. VIP IR Strobe Light: Mainly used for airborne operations, offering infrared flashing for invisible identification.
History of beacons in military gear:
Beacons were introduced into military gear in the 1970s and 1980s. Early models were simple and used basic light technology. With technological advancements, more sophisticated beacons with various light modes, including infrared lights for invisible identification using night vision, were developed.
Modern beacons are lightweight, durable, and multifunctional, making them indispensable tools for military operations worldwide.