Li-Pol battery

Li-Pol, or lithium-polymer batteries, represent a modern and powerful way to power airsoft weapons. These batteries utilize lithium-ion technology, but they have a different construction than traditional Li-Ion batteries. Li-Pol batteries are typically thinner and lighter, allowing easier integration into various airsoft models. Their advantages lie in high performance, fast charging, and lower weight.

Differences between Li-Pol x Li-Ion and NiCd/NiMh:

Li-Pol and Li-Ion batteries differ from NiCd/NiMH batteries primarily in their construction and properties. While Li-Pol and Li-Ion batteries are known for high performance and lower weight, NiCd/NiMH batteries have lower capacity and are heavier. Li-Pol batteries are more susceptible to damage when used incorrectly, requiring more careful maintenance. Li-Ion batteries, on the other hand, are slightly more robust but achieve higher energy density.

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