RAL7031 is the official code for the color. This color is known as "Blue Grey" and is also used by some manufacturers, including Helikon. It has a grey shade with a hint of green, differing from purely grey shades like Wolf Grey, etc. However, it is less green compared to the Ranger Green shade.
Differences between Ranger Green, RAL7031, and Stone Gray Olive:
a) Stone Gray Olive and RAL7031 are very similar, but Stone Gray Olive may have individual shade variations leaning more towards grey,
b) Ranger Green is darker and has a more pronounced green hue compared to Stone Gray Olive and RAL7031.
c) RAL7031 is a precisely defined standard, while the other two colors may be influenced by the design preferences of the specific manufacturer's brand (e.g., subtle differences in the shade of Ranger Green from Warrior Assault, Emerson, Ferro Concept, Crye, etc.)