Submachine Gun, abbreviated SMG (Short Machine Gun), is a type of compact automatic firearm designed for rapid fire at short distances.

In airsoft, SMGs are a popular choice among players, especially for their compactness, rate of fire, and mobility, which make them suitable for CQB (Close Quarters Battle) games. Among the popular airsoft models are MP7A1 (GBB), P90 (AEG), MP5 (AEG NGRS), and ARP9 (AEG). A great new addition is the compact version of the MCX.

You can choose your ideal SMG with us in electric as well as in gas versions!

Here are the key characteristics and differences compared to assault rifles:

1. Size and Weight: SMGs are usually smaller and lighter than assault rifles, making them more suitable for use in close combat and confined spaces like urban warfare.

2. Barrel Length: SMGs typically have shorter barrels than assault rifles, which affects accuracy and effective range.

3. Rate of Fire: SMGs often offer higher rates of fire than assault rifles, suitable for situations requiring a high volume of fire at short distances.

4. Caliber: Commonly used calibers for SMGs include 9mm Parabellum, .45 ACP, .40 S&W, and others, which are typically smaller than calibers used for assault rifles.

Now let's look at some famous SMG models:

UZI: An Israeli SMG known for its reliability, compactness, and ability to fire 9mm Parabellum.

MAC-10: An American SMG known for its compact design and high rate of fire. It uses .45 ACP.

MP7: A German SMG developed by Heckler & Koch, which combines high rate of fire with the ability to use specially designed small-caliber ammunition, such as 4.6x30mm.

MP5: Another product of Heckler & Koch, widely used in police and military forces worldwide. It is popular for its reliability and accuracy.

CZ Scorpion EVO: A modernized, relatively new Czech SMG known for its modern design, reliability, and low weight. It uses 9mm Parabellum.

These SMGs are often used in police units, special forces, and as personal defense weapons (PDWs). They are ideal for situations requiring high mobility and quick response.