
Spotter (Observer) is a term in the field of military long-range shooting or the use of sniper weapons. Spotter is a member of the sniper team tasked with providing support and assistance to the sniper. The spotter is camouflaged as well as the sniper.

The main tasks of the spotter include:

Target Identification:

The spotter helps the sniper identify targets and determine distance, wind speed, and other factors that may affect the shot.


The spotter can assist in aiming at the target and monitor shot impacts. Based on this information, provide corrections to the sniper.


The spotter maintains communication with the sniper and provides real-time information needed for successful shooting. This may include adjustments to aim in real-time.

Tactical Support:

The spotter can provide tactical support to the team, such as providing information about the movement of enemies, monitoring the situation, and giving advice to the sniper.

Safety Functions:

The spotter can also fulfill safety functions, such as monitoring the surroundings and warning the sniper of potential threats.

In the civilian sector, the term "spotter" can be used in other contexts, such as weather observation, where a spotter designates individuals or teams observing and reporting current meteorological conditions.

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