Starter packs

Are you a beginner and want to dive into the world of airsoft? Then welcome, you've come to the right place!

We know that getting started in airsoft is hard, but we've all been there. To make your entry into the battlefield easier, we've prepared starter packs that contain everything you'll need for your first games. So what are these kits for? Well, that's easy. When you see all those pictures from events where armed to the teeth tactical operators have night vision, lasers, radios and cool gear, it's easy to get lost in what you actually need for airsoft. And actually, it's not that much stuff. But before you start frantically filling your shopping cart, try airsoft first; some fields offer the option to rent equipment, or you can borrow a friend's gun.

In addition to appropriate clothing, you'll need a gun, battery, charger, eye protection and BBs to play airsoft. And... Well... That's it! Well, it takes a lot of courage. But you won't find that in our sets, otherwise everything mentioned is there and even some extra patches. Of course you can get it in a bulk set for a better price, we even have a few starter sets on sale at the moment. So there's no better time to start than right now. We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield under fire!

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